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Finally got this moved!

23 Apr

Come visit me at to get new content! I’m out of here, thank you lovelies, and goodnight. 

Guess who is still alive…

27 Apr

After a long, long absence from this little site, I realized I can access it from my phone…and all my excuses are out the door. It’s been a busy year for sure, with the restaurant blooming & blossoming, as well as my role there. While I love it, it does tend to take away from my normal day to day activities (I’ve only done laundry that involves work clothes for, oh, 4 months. Luckily I only wear my chef coat and flour stained yoga pants…).

That being said, I do want to get back to this little baby of mine too. Probably much less writing going to be involved but more pictures!

Here’s a few looks at life lately (all whisk included!):

Most recently, I was invited to a Valrhona Chocolate Class up in Vail. In a class of 6 pâtissiers, all local women chefs, we were taught much about new chocolates, Valrhona as a company, new recipes & techniques, and overall, how important it is to get out and meet people in this industry who are innovative, talented and inspirational. Needless to say, it was amazing, aside from my 3 hour drive in a blizzard to attend. A little look at our 2 days worth of final product:


We created around a wide variety of tarts, entremets, plated desserts, bon bons, ice cream, chocolate decor-well, a bit of everything. I met amazing people, ate delicious food and thoroughly enjoyed my little excursion!

We’re also creating our new menu at the restaurant right now, which is always a challenging, rewarding, creative time. A few looks at possible new items coming up…




As you can tell, my picture taking ability is still not stellar. I blame my want to eat what I’m taking a picture of immediately, so my rush to snap the shot & grab a fork is strong.

Lots of new things coming this way though and I will be sharing again!